The Me Nobody Knows
©2000 by Norma Jean LipertWho is this person that I see
When I look into the mirror at Me?
So familiar -- the face, the clothes
But it's the Me nobody knows.You may see Me as a friend or wife
But the real Me has a double life
For deep inside Me lives another
A complete opposite of the other.This Me must have been hidden deep
Down inside Me fast asleep
Now after years it has awoken
To change my life with words unspoken.So who is this person that I see
When I look into the mirror at Me?
Is this the Me that you all know?
Or is it someone yet to grow?Do I let this stranger out?
To fill my world with pools of doubt?
Or do I pretend she isn't there
And live my life without a care?I guess I'll closely watch and see
What becomes of the old Me
As this stranger inside grows
Making Me the Me nobody knows!
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