. Who May Submit Poetry
. How to Submit Poetry .
. Information to Include
. Format of Submissions . Editorial
Policies .
Who May Submit Poetry
This site is dedicated to the poetry of lesbian and bisexual women.
Other than that, race, nationality, social class, religious beliefs, or
disability shall not be cause for exclusion. From amateurs to professionals,
practiced to first time efforts, all are welcome. All poetry on this
site is covered by the following statement that appears on the opening
page of this site. "The poetry on this site is the property of
the author and may not be reprinted or used in any fashion with out the
authors express permission."
How to Submit Poetry
Send all submissions to dragone69@yahoo.com
. Please include the word "Submission" somewhere in the title if
possible. This will help me identify a submission e-mail quicker.
Also please include the information requested below.
Information to Include
Please include the following information along with your submission:
Poem's Title: If untitled please state so.
Author's Name: You may use either your real name or a handle,
but you must tell me exactly how you wish your name to appear
with your story. Or if you wish both your real name and your handle
with your poetry tell me which one you wish placed first. Also, only
works submitted directly by the author will be accepted.
Email Address: Please include a working email address to be
posted with your poetry. This is so you may receive comments from
your readers. If you are concerned with anonymity try using any of
the free email services offered on the web such as hotmail
or excite.
Copyright Date: If no copyright date is given, the current
year will be used as a default.
Author Information: This is optional, however readers do appreciate
knowing a bit about you. You may be as personal or as vague as you
wish. I will not, however, post any non-internet contact information
such as a home phone number or a street address. If you give someone
that information via a private e-mail that is your own affair. Also,
if you have a web site I will gladly include a link back to it on your
information page. If feasible, I would also ask that you, in turn,
link back to this site from your own. I will not put up any personal
information you send me via email unless you explicitly tell
me too.

Format of Submissions
Please send submissions in Word (.doc), text (.txt) or the body of
an e-mail. If I have trouble receiving your submission I'll contact
you and ask you to send it in a different format. Also, keep the
formatting within your document to a minimum. Do not use a lot of
bold, italics, indenting etc. If you wish specific formatting please
contact me. If you wish a small note to be included with your poem
for any reason, just let me know. Please do not just send me a link
to a page containing your poetry. Just copy, paste and send it to
me in an e-mail.
Editorial Policies
I will make corrections to gross and obvious errors of spelling that
I notice. However, I'm not a professional editor and spelling has never
been one of my talents. I would suggest that you or someone else
review your submission if possible before sending it. I will not
reject a submission for such errors, but I may ask that you revise your
submission and then resend it. If at any time you discover something
that needs to be fixed or revised in your poem, personal information, handle
or email address let me know. I will usually reply to e-mails within
the week and I will always inform you when your poetry is posted.

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This Web site © 1997 by Michelle
( Dragoneyes )