"Simple Needs"
©2000 by Little RascalI quite simply
Needed to hear your voice
Last night I fell asleep
Your image fresh on my mind
And in my dreams I held you
Felt your touch
Gentle and warm against my skin
Heard you sing my name
I came alive to your kiss
Sweet and yet urgent
And I looked into your eyes
Seeing beyond the passion
TO a look that said you love me
Tell me I wasn't mistaken?
Teach me your secret
How you get through each day and night
Without giving in to the emotions
Maybe you were able to put them away
And not be swept up by them
Maybe I could....if I wanted to
But I wake from my dreams
And I want to keep you clsoe in my heart
My love for you is now all consuming
And when the memories overtake me
And it all seems so far away
I quite simply
Need to hear your voice...
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