Shimmering Love Butterfly
©April 29, 2000 by BastetButterfly, Butterfly
Flying towards me
As sweet as my lover,
My parter, my Loving halfMy hope in the skys jovial moon
It never seemed more lovely
Pale on the Horizon, like leaves frosted in snowBehind those fragile glasses
His eyes burn bright against this flagrant winter
air, a whisper in water
I do not care if Butterfly's are for girls Because
you bursted into one
For Mich
For Mich, how beautiful to beA colorful boy in the shape of a butterfly
flying towards me...
You even landed on my Knee,kissed my nose and said
With this Lavender haze dabbleing about us
I shall kiss you when you unravel in emergencyCloth is stained by my fluttering grace
Complete your missen
Push up to extremly rapid flight
Come home to meKiss my emotions and nourish my embrace
Return tonight...not a threat in sight!
Then we'll have to make new Love,
new shimmering Love
So, you can feel my secrets and we can sleep tight
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