She Knows
©2000 by FParisShe knows the reason they are not together anymore …
she knows the battle will be hard in this, she calls ‘the war’
To listen to the messages she leaves her every day …
she knows how difficult her life will be in every way.For every warning sign that she has tried hard not to see …
she also knows that right behind, there follows two or three.
Her sleep is interrupted by the ringing of the phone …
each time she picks it up she only hears the dial tone.She knows how many red flags she has had to bring down …
she folds them slowly, then she puts them neatly on the ground.
She lays her body onto them, and cries for days on end …
she knows that what is going through her heart may never mend.She knows she wants to stop, but then, another flag is swaying …
she brings it down and folds it; adds it to where she was laying.
She knows someday she’ll have to put them all away for good …
it’s easy knowing what she should, and would do ~ if she could!
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