A Scroll to My New Love
©1997 by Sage

Note:  Following is more of a letter that refers to my previously posted poems: "Hidden Treasure" and "The Journey". Know that you who read it are a part of it's unfolding.

Across the waves of the cyber ocean, my note in a bottle drifted. Along the way to distant
shores, it filled some lonely hearts with hope. A chorus answered my note, but ventured on
alone. Then one vioce raised in solo above the others. One melody beckoning. In that sweet
song, I found a clear tone, and also a plaintive note from a broken heart, mending. Your
song, my love.

And so I sailed on waves of air to seek you out, if only for a moment. I had to know the
totality of the one whose lyrics moved me so deeply. I longed for a connection, that neither
time nor distance could break. And I knew that if we did not connect, I would wish all the
happiness you could find in another. You deserved the one who would make your heart soar
again. I would bless that union and celebrate your joy.

When I had sailed across the sea of sands, you greeted me. I marveled that such ancient
wisdom could reside in such a youthful face. So radiant and lovely. Your warm embrace
reassured me. Slowly, I recognized in your voice the siren song that drew me so far from
home. Then, your physical presense coalesced into a greater whole.

You welcomed me into your home, your heart and your life. I wanted to hold you tightly, but
remembered your recent wounds and touched you gently. I waited to see if you would stay
or disappear. I would honor your wishes. Enchanted by your eyes and smile, I dared to kiss
your neck and cheek. And so together we positioned and repositioned in a courtship duet,
until at last we connected in a symphony of kisses.

In that moment you filled my empty spaces. You healed my heart and warmed the coldest
places within me. There is no match for you in my universe. The Blue Gowned shadows have
left my vision and gone into my past, but not without lessons. I know that my arms, my
words, my heart could never hold you without you wanting to be held by them. I followed
your direction, careful not to rush the tempo of our sharing. Slowly as the pieces began to
unfold and fit, we became as one orchestra - many insturments, but one voice.

Now I know, that we may be separate in in body but together in spirit.
We are salve for the deep wounds, where we were cut so deep. We are nourishment to fill
the hunger in each others hearts.

Thank you for being. Thank you for lifting me. Thank you for raising beyond your own despair
and loving me. Know that I adore you. Upon the day that not even a stream comes between
us and we can be together, I pledge my heart to you alone.

My well-traveled bottle is retired on your windowsill and I burn my note in a sacred flame. We
consecrate the cyber waters between us to our love. May our friends partake of our
happiness. May our joy spill over to the greater ocean and bless all it touches.

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( Dragoneyes )