©2000 by FParisYour caring, sweet and thoughtful ways
all come together everyday,
and cause my mind to fill with you …
and there is nothing I can do.“This, too, shall pass”, you write to me …
those aren’t the words I care to see;
I knew I would, but with the rest,
I also got your heartfelt best.I like to think once in awhile,
that you, too, see the blue moon smile.
She can let you know how true
my pending love will be, for you.If I could turn off all these thoughts
and make you think that I forgot ...
I’d do that ... no, that isn’t true;
you see ... there’s nothing I can do.I still would like to touch your hand;
to see those eyes see where I stand …
perspective plays a hard-core roll,
in this, a life I’ll never know.
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This Web site © 1997 by Michelle ( Dragoneyes )