"Never Knew"
©2000 by Little RascalI never thought it would feel this way
I knew that I loved you
Knew that I would only love you more
I understood that I would miss you
Knew I'd want you back in my arms
I didn't know about this empty ache
And wondering if you feel it too...
Didn't know that everytime I see your face
The feelings would overwhelm me
Just like the first time, my heartbeat quickens
And a smile crosses my lips
Remembering the first time they touched yours
So soft and sweet and warm
Didn't know when I see your hands
So slender and gracefull
That I would recall your touch so vividly
Your fingers caressing my cheek
Stroking my arm, my leg
A touch both cool and burning all at once
Such an intimate touch I thought I'd never know
Didn't know that when I gaze into your eyes
I would feel all the passion
And all the love I know is there
But now cannot be expresed
Must be put away and hidden
But I do know one thing
That hiding something
Not speaking of it and trying to ignore it
Will never make it go away
It only deepens the need and the desire
To be with you
To touch you and hold you
To kiss your lips so sweet
To love you
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