How Could I Fall in Love With Someone I Didn't Know
©1999 by Goddess69wHow could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
looking back now the one thing I know for sure
She wasn't all she promised to be
Her love just wasn't strong enough for meHow could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
I remember the night she said she was falling for me
I hardly even knew her how could she see
The person I was and all I wanted to be
But she promised to love me for all eternityHow could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
I knew it was a mistake when I let my love show
I opened my heart and let her in
And that's when all the problems beganHow could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
Her love scared me more than anything else
Then I realized I didn't love myself
A total stranger inside of me
She couldn't possibly love the person pretending to be meHow could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
Looking back I know for sure
I tired to please her more and more
I wanted to make our love secure
How could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
Was it the security she promised me
Or all the things she said I would see
Or was it the fact that I no longer belonged to me
A possession of hers I so wanted to be
How could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
Did I want to be loved so bad
That she came along and rearranged my life and took all I had
Yea I guess I did want love that bad
How could I fall in love with someone I didn't know
And after all this time I haven't let her go
She took my dreams and hopes of happiness
But she made me realize this is true
Before she can love me I have to love me too
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