©2000 by L.S.JohnsWould it be my destiny that I should lose you now?
In the reverence of all that tarry behind.
That I should see my future here at it’s dreary end,
Still I will always call you my friend.Through the frigid winds that blow across my soul,
Again I’ll never hold you, nor be whole.
Our laughter lingers long after the lid is closed,
forever I will mourn you, in my prose.Would it be my destiny, that I should watch you die?
In the stroke of a heart, or the blinking of an eye?
How my heart feels weary and torn apart, it’s true.
I’ve mourned you as I’ve watched my life become
askew,I know you will forgive me friend, I’ve suffered so, so
I let you go, sing no more, your sad funeral song.
Your hand will always touch me, my dreams, my
soul, my heart,
But I must let you go for now, someday we’ll never
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