If You Were
©2000 by FParisIf you were my girl, you would never walk behind …
I’d open all the doors for you, and keep you on my mind.
I’d walk the outside area, when strolling down the street …
I’d always make you feel as if you are my favorite treat!If you were mine to hear, I’d listen to your every word …
you’d know how much I care about you wanting to be heard.
No matter what we talk about, believe me when I say …
nothing’s more important than the things we will convey.If you were mine to hold and love, and share reality …
every aspect of our lives would have priority.
‘Insignificant’ would be a word I wouldn’t use …
for every part of you in every way is daily news!If you were in my life today, I’d take my time with you …
each chapter would start off with a much better point of view.
I’d want to turn the pages at a slow and easy pace …
the love we’d share would be our very personal bookcase!
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