"Have Faith"
©2000 by Little RascalHave faith in me, believe in us,
For testing love they say is a must.
The time has come, we knew it would.
We can beat the odds, I promised we could,
And I'm good for a promise,
I'll earn your trust.
I'll be there in your morning,
sharing every sip of coffee.
As it warms you through and through,
Well, you'll know that it is me.
I'll be there during lunch,
With your tuna fish
Listening to your thoughts,
Memorizing every wish.
And in the evening madness,
With every honking of the horn,
I'll be there to calm you,
Though with laughter I'll be torn.
And when the night falls softly,
And all is quiet and still,
Oh what a wonder...
CLose your eyes and I'll be there
Cradling you gently in slumber...
Sweet dreams, my love, sleep well...
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