©1997 by SiobhanOh, my Love, you're now asleep in my arms,
Near the fireplace's fast-fading light.
You received and then gave the ineffable joy,
Of untrammeled love in the night.Our flesh has been sated, our bodies have calmed,
The flames that consumed us are low.
I look at your face in the light of the fire,
And my guilt distresses me so!An hour ago you were gently caressing
My breasts and my legs and my thighs.
Your lips and your hands were urging me upward
Towards the exploding stars in the skies.My body was burning, my nerves were ablaze
From the teasing and warmth of your touch.
You tried to delay me, to hold back the climax,
But your lips and your hands were too much!The pleasure crashed through me, I spasmed in joy,
And then, Love, My Moment arrived.
I lost all control, and then came the instant
From which my damned guilt was derived.For when I came for you, our identities changed,
We were no longer my darling and I.
I was Gaby, you were Xena, no longer ourselves,
And I felt I was living a lie.My dearest, I love you, adore you and need you,
My life and my love are all yours.
I'm ashamed that I weakened and allowed this to happen,
My guilt screams and it quakes me, and roars!The only thing I can do to make my amends,
Though you still do not know what I did,
Is to waken you gently and take you in love,
Then of my guilt, perhaps, then I'll be rid.
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