First Kiss
©1999 by Lycistrata_loveAlone at last
Your eyes meet mine,
Bright, then downcast,
Your shyness shines.
My eyes wander,
Taking in the room,
The floor, the bed,
Then nothing but you.I hold out my hand,
Pull you into my embrace,
I hold you close, kiss you
Making my heart race.
My hands in your hair,
We tremble with need
And love,...passion flares,
As I ravish you in my greed.My needs so long denied,
Find release here with you,
Though I desperately tried
To hide them, they grew.
I let myself go,
And our clothes find the floor,
Your arms around me
Space between us no more.I explore with my tongue,
And trace paths to and fro,
Your body an ecstasy,
I have yearned to know.
Five years of desire
For a goddess --it's true--
Merely stoking the fire,
Of my endless longing for you.
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