©1997 by Loons (Linda Carter)Expectations were high for me,
I was the youngest, and only daughter,
To grow into a lady, was what they thought I oughter.
I was a scruffy little tomboy, I wouldn't wear the dress,
neither keep my hair long, this caused my mother stress.
I grew out of that stage, and for a time it was looking good,
growing into a young lady, like they hoped I would.
But some how feeling indifferent, i never found myself content,
nor understand these feelings, ignorance of what it meant.
So i done what I was suppose to, but hiding behind those curls,
I tolerated boys, but wanted to be with girls.
It's just the way it is for me, from since i was a tyke
yes i am a woman now, and yes I'm still a dyke.
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