©1997 by HarlequeenShall I take the lid off the chocolate box.
For when the barrier is removed
I will not be able to stop myself
Sampling the contents.
Even those which, by description,
I don't think I will like.The biggest fear is relishing the sweetness.
Finding, that far from disliking, I enjoy.
Soft delights, like a drug,
Keep me wanting more.
The disguise will fall away,
And I must acknowledge my desires.It's a final and irrevocable process.
I may find that having sampled,
I despise myself for doing so.
But I cannot wipe out the past.
My history will follow me around,
Like an albatross. Always there.Temptation is eventually too great.
Testing and tasting all available,
Until ultimately I decide which I prefer.
Choosing one to nurture my taste.
Ignoring advice, facing all hostility
I declare my allegiance to the box.
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