SpringMy poetry is like the framing of my soul. It's like stepping back and
looking at yourself more critically and hoping that this view will give
you a greater introspection as to who and what you are.So who am I and why do I now find myself putting pen to paper and
letting some of what is in my soul filter out and find there way to
other places. This has been a quest at tapping into feelings and
emotions. Let me begin with...the past three years have seen many
changes in my life; the death of my mother who was very dear to me, the
stepping away from a thirty year career, and the need to look at myself
and acknowledge who I am. I have spent a life time denying what was deep
within my soul and my poetry will reflect an awakening which up until
now has been dormant and unnamed.A year ago I met a poet and writer who entered my life. I was
fascinated with her work; her style, the flow of her words, the inner
thoughts and the gentleness that came from her soul. She introduced me
to Bill Moyer's "The Language of Life" and before long I too was looking
for what was to become "my voice." Yes.....all poets have a voice! I
was beginning to draw together my love and appreciation for nature, my
spirituality and my love for womyn, ie., their essence and their being.So after many years and several degrees I returned to school and
took a course entitled "Literature By Women" and was reintroduced to
Lorde, Rich, Woolfe and others and was overwhelmed by the power and
beauty of their work. So in the quiet of winter with the wood stove
burning at my back and a cup of tea in my hand I began playing with
thoughts and ideas.....some of what you see on these pages. I'd like to
think that some of what you will be reading will be like listening to a
dialogue between myself and my soul. Intimate caring moments
highlighted by imagery and thoughts that reflect my day.
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This Web site © 1997 by Michelle ( Dragoneyes )