Skya WodeI am a lesbian happily married to my lovely Tater for the past 17 years!!! I graduated from Sonoma State University, Class of 1993, in California with a BA in Fine Arts. My minor was Mexican American Studies. Tater and I got on the internet when we got our Webtv unit in May of 1997. It was then I met my soulsister Mykmystr aka Michael who challenged me to write poetry at AXDB!!! I have been writing poetry ever since. I wrote free verse under the name Skya, and rhyming poetry under the name Wode Warrior. I am now trying to integrate the two styles of poetry under the "pen name" Skya Wode. I love writing and I find that writing comes to me in inspiration and I just have to put my pen to paper (yep, the old fashioned way). About Reba (my horse) well, that is a whole other story!!! LOL
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