©1998 by SpringIn the quiet I heard your footsteps.
Who are you that you dared to call my name?
Faceless, formless - a distant visage.
Mist veiling all that surrounds you.
You beckoned me to outstretched arms.My soul has slept and I awakened to your presence
knowing that life has been fitful
with a vague longing for something that has remained illusive.
I followed you like a child in submission, unsure - filled with fright and fear
coming face to face with flesh that mirrored mine in form.
You unclasped this mantel that shrouds my body with fear.
I shuttered.And there you stood - a forbidden goddess piercing my soul.
You whispered the secrets in my soul and gave me the power
to know what was deep within.
You threw light into the dark of my existence.What have I feared to touch?
You let me think of thoughts that I buried long ago
about my passion for her body...and until now, so unfitting for me to say.Silent words - now whispered.
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