©1999 by Mothsdance
You have awakened
Having been freed from your prison.
Where you were tangled up,
Tied in knots, chained to the wall,
Heavy with shackles, your heart left to bleed.
Your soul's voice silenced.
And now....
Now you are held captive in a different place within walls.
Walls that you built up and around yourself.
Thoughts fly over and above. Too many, too fast.
The air is too thin up there leaving you breathless.
Patience flies in, passes thru, then out again.
Like the wind trying to get in through the cracks.
Your mind is overwhelmed by the nightmares that plague you.
A storm builds it's strength from within leaving you empty
'cept for the hole in the pit of your stomach.
Your hands shake. Your body trembles.
Your mind begins to float to abandon the voices.
Leaving your body to fend for itself.
You are on the inside now rocking your soul.
Whispering to your spirit.
Holding your heart in your hand
Wounded...but beating non the less.
Waiting for the moment to pass.
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This Web site © 1997 by Michelle
( Dragoneyes )